It’s time to do away with quixotic monsters such as
“discombobulated,” or “magniloquent.”
In the current era of rapid everything, we need swift pieces of language that’ll convey meaning through a short sound wave. How do we define short pretty words? – Two syllables maximum. Anything more than that shall not pass. Hence the list of short, cute words that’ll fly fast and make a strong impact.
You may use these words to:
- Enjoy the sound of them
- Use them in your first freelance writing project
- Appear more intelligent than you are
- Use them when getting started with dictation for writers
- Enrich your vocabulary
- Use them in your next essay
- Use them in your next book
No matter the reason, familiarize yourself with these snappy pieces of the lexicon.

The sound wave of love is so much prettier.
Here’s the list of 200 short pretty words in English:
Sassy – distinctively smart and stylish.
Effuse – to pour forth.
Audible – loud enough to be heard. It’s also the name of my favorite audiobook platform.
Rend – to split or tear apart or in pieces by violence.
Phonic – about the nature of sound.
Virtu – rare, curious, or aesthetic quality.
Misty-filled or abounding with fog or mist.
Chasm – a yawning hollow, as in the Earth’s surface.
Fervor – ardor or intensity of feeling.
Lingo – language.
Hustle – to move with haste and promptness.
Zephyr – a soft, gentle wind.
Robust – characterized by great strength and durability.
Beget – to produce by the sexual act.
Onset – an assault, especially of troops, upon an enemy or fortification.
Ravine – A deep gorge or hollow, especially one worn by a stream or flow of water.
Scythe – a long curved blade for mowing, reaping, etc.
Befog – to confuse.
Bosom – the breast or the upper front of the thorax of a human being, especially of a woman.
Racy – exciting or exhilarating to the mind.
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Posse – a force of men.
Endue – to endow with some quality, gift, or grace, usually spiritual.
Vista – a view.
Votary – consecrated by a vow or promise.
Artful – characterized by craft or cunning.
Lucid – mentally sound.
Unison – a condition of perfect agreement and accord.
Altar – any raised place or structure on which sacrifices may be offered or incense burned.
Germane – relevant.
Probe – to search through and through.
What – to make more keen or eager.
Matrix – that which contains and gives shape or form of anything.
Canine – characteristic of a dog.
Mien – the external appearance or manner of a person.
Natal – about one’s birth.
Nomic – usual or customary.
Minion – a servile favorite.
Annals – a record of events in chronological order, year by year.
Visage – the face, countenance, or look of a person.
Refute – to prove to be wrong.
Adroit – having skill in the use of bodily or mental powers.
Aghast – struck with terror and amazement.
Portend – to indicate as being about to happen, especially by previous signs.
Nettle – to excite sensations of uneasiness or displeasure.
Purl – to cause to whirl, as in an eddy.
Frizz – to give the crinkled fluffy appearance to something.
Hoard – to gather and store away for the sake of accumulation.
Venal – mercenary, corrupt.
Ardent – burning with passion.
Senile – peculiar to or proceeding from the weakness or infirmity of old age.
Upturn – to throw into confusion.
Rabid – affected by rabies.
Licit – lawful.
Brethren – members of the brotherhood, guild, profession, association, or the like.
Travail – hard or agonizing labor.
Psychic – about the mind or soul.
Lune – the moon.
Augur – to predict.
Patter – to mumble something over and over.
Detrude – to push down forcibly.
Antecede – to precede.
Export – to obtain by violence, threats compulsion, or the subjection of another to some necessity.
Superb – sumptuously elegant.
Elegy – a lyric poem lamenting the dead.
Posit – to present in an orderly manner.
Nomad – having no fixed abode.
Deluge – overwhelmed with a flood or water.
Avidity – greediness.
Deceit – falsehood.
Wield – to use control or manage an instrument or weapon, especially with full command.
Wrest – pool or force away by violence twisting or wringing.
Evert – to turn upside down.
Cipher – a secret or disguised way of writing; a code.
Bursar – a person who manages the financial affairs of a college or school.
Epitome – a simplified representation.
Kernel – a grain or seed.
Excel – to be superior or distinguished.
Unify – to cause to be one.
Espy – To keep a close watch.
Infirm – lacking in bodily or mental strength.
Bedaub – to smear over, as with something oily or sticky.
Lyre – one of the most ancient stringed instruments of the harp class.
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Nurture – the process of fostering or promoting growth.
Beau – a boyfriend or male admirer.
Rebuff – unexpected rejection of advances or approaches.
Baleful – malignant.
Nectar – any especially sweet and delicious drink.
Induct – to bring in.
Infuse – to instill, introduce, or inculcate (as principles or qualities).
Vivify – make more lively or engaging; enliven.
Awaken – to arouse (emotion, interest, etc.)
Shriek – a sharp, shrill outcry or scream, caused by agony or terror.
Muffle – to deaden the sound of something (weapons).
Aerial – About or like the air.
Docile – easy to manage or influence.
Hydrous – watery.
Oratorio – a composition for solo voices, chorus, and orchestra generally taken from the Scriptures.
Hexagon – a figure with six angles.
Constrict – to bind.
Ado – unnecessary activity or ceremony.
Pillage – open robbery as in war.
Affix – to fasten.
Nostrum – a medicine prepared by an unqualified person, especially one that is not considered effective.
Pervade – to pass or spread through every part.
Myth – a fictitious narrative presented as historical but without any basis of fact.
Arcade – a vaulted passageway or street, a roofed passageway having shops.
Inlet – a small body of water leading into a larger one.
Banal – commonplace.
Latent – dormant.
Redress – to set right a wrong, by compensation or the punishment of the wrongdoer.
Vitiate – spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of.
Mimic – to imitate the speech or actions of.
Furbish – to restore brightness or beauty.
Ordeal – anything that severely tests courage, strength, patience, conscience.
Nausea – and affection of the stomach producing dizziness.
Evince – to make manifest or evident.
Baffle – to foil or frustrate.
Wreak – to inflict revenge or punishment.
Usurp – to take possession of by force.
Educe – bring out or develop (something latent or potential).
Diurnal – daily.
Pall – to make dull by satiety.
Attest – to certify as accurate, genuine, or true.
Canto – one of the divisions of an extended poem.
Alder – any shrub or small tree of the oak family.
Volant – flying or able to fly.
Reck – to have a care or thought for.
Aqueous – about or containing water.
Comport – to conduct or behave oneself.
Illusive – deceptive.
Puerile – childish.
Antic – a grotesque, ludicrous, or fantastic action.
Perfidy – the state of being deceitful and untrustworthy.
Teem – to be full, overflowing with something.
Quietus – a silencing suppressing or ending.
Lode – a vein of metal ore in the earth.
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Auburn – reddish-brown usually said of the hair.
Prosaic – unimaginative.
Decoy – anything that allures or is intended to allure into danger or temptation.
Ripplet – a small ripple, as of water.
Biped – an animal having two feet.
Foursome – consisting of four.
Viceroy – a ruler acting with royal authority in place of the sovereign in a colony or province.
Florid – having a red or flushed complexion.
Idiom – the use of words peculiar to a particular language.
Acquit – to free or clear from accusation.
Liquefy – convert into a liquid or liquid form.
Engrave – to cut or carve in or upon some surface.
Bestial – of or like an animal or animals.
Bask – to make warm by genial heat.
Stellar – about the stars.
Enrage – to infuriate.
Thermal – about heat and temperature.
Polar – about the poles of a sphere, especially of the earth.
Ruth – a feeling of pity, distress, or grief.
Wane – to diminish in size and brilliance.
Rapt – enraptured.
Blithe – joyous.
Allege – to assert to be true, especially in a formal manner as in court.
Fancier – while having a taste for or interest in special objects.
Solace – comfort in grief, trouble, or calamity.
Vestige – a visible trace mark or impression of something absent lost or gone.
Concur – to agree.
Deify – to regard or worship as a god.
Rotund – round form fullness or plumpness.
Inept – not fit or suitable.
Torpor – a state of physical or mental inactivity; lethargy.
Jovial – merry.
Apex – the highest point (as of a mountain).
Arid – very dry.
Blatant – noisily or offensively loud or clamorous.
Plea – arguments to obtain some desired action.
Crass – course or thick in nature or structure.
Alcove – a covered recess connected with or at the side of a larger room.
Bawl – To proclaim by outcry.
Diabolic – characteristic of the devil.
Revere – to regard with worshipful veneration.
Forte – a strong point.
Prolix – verbose.
Slothful – lazy.
Protract – to prolong.
Parse – to describe a sentence by separating it into its elements and describing each word.
Purloin – to steal.
Extant – still existing and known.
Exert – to make an effort.
Copious – plentiful.
Divulge – tell or make known as something previously private or secret.
Solar – about the sun.
Retort – retaliatory speech.
Lave – to wash or bathe.
Onus – a burden or responsibility.
Abrade – to wear away the surface or some part of friction.
Mutiny – rebellion against lawful or constituted authority.
Jocose – done or made in jest.
Flimsy – thin and weak.
Pyre – a heap of combustibles arranged to burn a dead body.
Vale – level or low land between hills.
Orate – to deliver an elaborate or formal public speech.
Pique – a feeling of irritation or resentment resulting from a slight, especially to one’s pride.
Glamour – an attractive or exciting quality that makes people or things seem appealing.
Lithe – thin, supple, and graceful.
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“Words can be like X-rays if you use them properly – they’ll go through anything. You read, and you’re pierced.” – Aldous Huxley
Did you get some inspiration from the above list of short words? I’m sure you have some favorites you’re likely to include in your published writings or your favorite digital notebook. Next up, you may want to check the list of English words with deep meanings.
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