The Top 5 Motivations for Blogging

By: Rafal Reyzer
Updated: Oct 5th, 2023

writing a blog on a computer monitor - motivations for blogging - featured image

We’re in a digital era, where the rise of influencers and social media has made everyone a blogger.

Take a peek at Instagram; it’s buzzing with posts every tick of the clock, echoing voices worldwide. Statistics from WordPress reveal a staggering 70 million new blog entries every month. With the web teeming with bloggers and more joining the fray, motives differ: from pure passion to a profitable venture. Blogging is more than just hitting keys; it’s about genuine storytelling. So if you’re itching to broadcast your narrative, dive in. And hey, to fuel your journey, here are five compelling reasons to become a steadfast blogger.

Here Are The Top 5 Motivations For Blogging:

1. You Can Become Someone’s Inspiration

By being able to transfer your thoughts and ideas, you can influence people all over the world. Sounds cool, right? This kind of power imposes a lot of responsibilities, but it still gives you the tools to make your community better. The blogger position is exceptional, as you can uniquely share your expertise. If you have great life experience that concerns relationships or careers, just create a post about difficulties in these spheres and how to deal with them. Explain to people that everyone can struggle, but it is important to stay positive. If you are an artist, ignite a creativity spark by showing your works. Don’t be afraid to share your early creations with your subscribers to see what you started with and how you improved. This will show them that everything can be achieved with proper effort and, probably, will boost their motivation. In a nutshell, be a role model.

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2. Know That Any Progress Is Vital

No one can deny that to become a successful person, you ought to move towards your goal. Progress is crucial, but it doesn’t have to be lightning-quick. It will normally take up to 6 months of consistent effort before you start seeing first success with your blog. Use that time wisely, since your first results won’t meet original expectations. However, as an old saying goes, Rome wasn’t built in one day. Don’t push yourself too hard. Begin with small topics, and gradually you will learn how to deal with more complicated ones. Consider different media for your content: write an article, post a photo, or create a video blog. You don’t have to be a professional writer to start. But don’t spread your message randomly all over the place – choose your channels wisely and follow a regular posting regimen. You can create beautiful designs with the help of free graphic design tools and take your visual creativity to the next level. Soon, you will establish your core topics and master your preferred channel of communication, and your subscribers will appreciate your hard work.

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3. Don’t Mind The Haters

The most recent statistics show that as of 2021, there are over 570 million blogs out there. So, it’s easy to imagine that there will be someone who will press a dislike button or leave a nasty comment when stumbling upon your blog. Accept the fact that all people are different with their own mindsets and life views. Get ready to receive negative feedback as well. You may also experience hate from other bloggers who don’t support healthy competition and who will try to bring you down. There is just one remedy: do not pay any attention. If you see a person trying to insult you instead of giving useful criticism, let it be. It’s better to focus on your work and appreciate the words of those people who care.

4. Create a Schedule And Stick To It

You will be at the top motivation level at the beginning of your blogging career. With a high probability, you will spend every free minute contributing to your new hobby. That’s not bad, but working long hours continuously may cause burnout, and you want to avoid that at all stakes. Alternatively, think of a schedule to control the time spent on blogging. With its help, you will balance different aspects of your life. Choose a topic, specify key points, and set a deadline. A clear understanding of your next steps and proper time management will keep you motivated. There is no golden rule with such schedules. Find out what time is right for you to switch yourself into creative mode.

5. Enlist Other Writers And Accept Contributions

Playing the blogging game all on your own is a drag. You need a team, or at least a virtual assistant, if you want to grow faster. Having someone on your team that you must pay puts you on another level of accountability. Now you can’t just slack off and watch YouTube videos instead of writing and publishing. Now you’re a team leader who has a business, not a hobby. Plus, it’s always great when you can have a chat with somebody and bounce your ideas around. Outsource things like writing, editing, graphic design, video editing, or uploading and you’ll quadruple your productivity. So get after it, create that first profit, and then reinvest it to grow way faster.

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Ready to blog like a pro?

Blogging can be a harsh, cold world where your boat hinges on the whims of corporate giants. You may experience negative feedback, get drowned in routine while trying to create a unique product or burn out by expecting too much from yourself. However, what you don’t want to do is to lose motivation. When you hear a tiny treacherous voice inside your head saying that you can’t and don’t want to do it, stop for a second and ask yourself, “Why did I begin blogging in the first place, and what drives me now? How can I start afresh and reach the next level like a boss?” Find your old content and look at those cheerful comments it collected. Be your motivation! Next up, you may want to explore some tips on how to motivate yourself to work harder.

Rafal Reyzer

Rafal Reyzer

Hey there, welcome to my blog! I'm a full-time entrepreneur building two companies, a digital marketer, and a content creator with 10+ years of experience. I started to provide you with great tools and strategies you can use to become a proficient digital marketer and achieve freedom through online creativity. My site is a one-stop shop for digital marketers, and content enthusiasts who want to be independent, earn more money, and create beautiful things. Explore my journey here, and don't miss out on my AI Marketing Mastery online course.