You Can’t Write Anymore? (10 Tips To Get Back On Track)

By: Rafal Reyzer
Updated: Oct 5th, 2023

You Can’t Write Anymore - featured image

It’s so easy to take a break and then never get back on track with your writing.

Sometimes you’re overwhelmed, and the idea of starting another blog post feels like too much for you to handle. Or maybe you just feel like it’s not worth the effort anymore after starting and quitting several projects in a row. What if I told you there is a way to help you overcome writer’s block and write more? That’s right. It’s doable. It’s as easy as following these tips.

10 Tips To Get Back On Your Writing Track If You Can’t Write Anymore:

1. Start Small And Keep A Writing Schedule

Start by prioritizing your writing tasks. For example, if you are working on three different projects, prioritize the shortest deadline to complete the most nagging job first. When you finish it, move on to the next one. It’s crucial to eat the elephant one bite at a time and put even the smallest task on your schedule (like, “write 100 words for project X”). Just a few suggestions: Plan for time-consuming activities before you start your writing session so there’s some structure to your day. If you know that an hour-long meeting is scheduled for tomorrow, schedule that much time for writing today. Set realistic deadlines and short-term goals to keep things under control and help yourself stay motivated. Making a schedule can help you maintain your momentum. It also helps you to make progress without getting discouraged by writer’s block or distractions. You might consider using a tool such as a Pacemaker Planner. It helps you set a specific writing goal and stick to it until you’ve completed your project.


2. Find Your Inspiration In Unusual Places

Inspiration can come from many places, but one of the most common examples is music. Listen to an artist or song that you find inspiring to get back on your writing track. Some people find it helpful to write about their feelings or any topics on their minds. Others find inspiration by reading other authors’ work, while others prefer to think about what they want to say before writing. Just try different methods until you’re able to get back to it. If you face writer’s block, simply sit down with your journal and aim to write a few sentences about how you feel or how could you improve your life. This will often get your creative juices flowing and allow your mind to open up to new ideas. You may also write a few emails and quite often this will reignite your literary machinery so you can write again.

listening to music

3. Write First Thing In The Morning

Whether you’re a writer or a corporate professional, it’s essential to maintain a good writing routine. Sometimes that means starting your day with a few minutes of writing. Starting your day immersed in a clickety-clack of your keyboard is a great way to beat the stress and accomplish something important even before breakfast. It’s proven that just five minutes of writing can help reduce stress levels and give you a feeling of control. What if you could spend just five minutes each morning writing to relieve some of the pressure? Doing so will help you avoid distractions and stay focused on what needs to be done – without feeling too overwhelmed.

4. Set Realistic Writing Goals

It’s important to have realistic and measurable goals. 10,000 words a day and then days of burnout, anyone? If you set your goal too high, it can be even more difficult to get back on track. So setting realistic goals can help you maintain your motivation. It is a crucial component of a balanced writerly life. Let these goals be challenging enough, but not too demanding. If they are too easy, then you won’t be motivated to work hard. But if the goals are too difficult, you may become discouraged and quit before reaching your goal. So, set goals that are achievable and seem just within reach if you apply yourself. You also need to learn how to have a positive outlook on things – this will help keep you motivated and get back on track when needed. You might want to consider using a self-accountability app like Stickk. By putting money on the line, you create a real forcing system that will push you to get your work done on time.

goal chart

It will be easier to commit to your goals when you write them down.

5. Write For Yourself Or Your Alter Ego

This may seem like a strange thing to propose, but it’s hard for writers to take the time to write for themselves. If you can’t think of anything else to write about, try to scribble about something you’re passionate about. Many benefits come from writing for yourself, such as You can improve your mental health and well-being by connecting with your innermost thoughts and feelings. Also, you will organize your thoughts and feelings in a more structured way than if you were to talk face-to-face about them. And lastly, when you write for yourself, you will maintain an honest tone as the fear of offending others or hurting their feelings will dissipate.

6. Read What You’ve Written And Pat Yourself On The Back

When you have completed a paragraph, look back and see how it reads. This will help you feel more confident in your work and give ideas for what you should do next. It also helps with the flow of language for longer pieces. Besides, reading the text you’ve written can give you a sense of where you’re at in your work, and how much more needs to be completed. For instance, if you left off in the middle of a sentence, what point were you trying to make? If there are grammatical errors, did they happen because you were typing too quickly? It’s also a good idea to read what you’ve written aloud. Speaking is better for catching errors than eyes because verbalizing your prose allows you to spot pronunciation, rhythm, and intonation problems. While reading aloud, you can also hear if your tone is too informal or formal for the audience you are writing for.

happy writer

7. Avoid Social Media While Writing

Humans are inherently social creatures. So it’s no surprise that we crave a social connection with others. However, the social media world can be a slippery slope for those trying to get back on track with their writing. We must first ask ourselves why we’re on social media. Do we want to connect with more people? Is it an escape from reality? Or, do we just need some distraction? Whatever the reason, there are ways of being present on social media without being mentally present. For example, have a friend or family member share their day on their page and see what they’re doing instead of scrolling through your timeline and seeing posts you’ve made throughout the day. Or try a time-restricted exercise where you limit your usage of social media. Try an app like Freedom, that allows you to block social media pages during specific periods of the day. For example, you may block Facebook and Twitter until 4 PM every day, and enjoy your social media feeds only in the afternoon. This will help you to avoid temptation and save you hours of productive time throughout the month.

8. Split Your Writing Time Into Chunks Of Time

To get into a rhythm and write more, you need to have a schedule. It is vital to plan in time for your work systematically to know when you will be writing. If you want to get the most out of the time that you have scheduled for writing, try splitting up your sessions into chunks of 15-30 minutes. This way, if one period is not productive enough, you can either take a break or just continue with the next session until it’s done. I find that this approach helps me to stay focused and work more productively throughout the day. Consider implementing the famed Pomodoro technique where you usually set a timer for 20 minutes, write as much as you can, and then take a short break. See how many of these quick sessions you’re able to finish in the day and reward yourself for high performance.

9. Give Up Distractions, Take A Break, And Come Back Fresh

Distractions can consist of anything, but they’re mostly about some dopamine-inducing form of entertainment. Escape them and let your mind rest. By taking a break, you can do something that will make you feel better and more focused on your work. Though technology might make it easier to find information, it wastes large blocks of time. If you can’t stop yourself from checking your phone every few minutes, try setting a timer to go off every hour or two and take a five-minute break. Take a hike. There is nothing better than a quick stroll among natural surroundings to enliven your creative spirit. Walk, breathe, and come back to your writing task with a relaxed mind.

taking a break

10. Find A Routine That Works For You And Stick To It

Many writers are unsure what schedule they should follow to write regularly. They are always looking for tips that are going to help them find their routine. The best thing you can do is get rid of distractions, allowing you to focus on your writing. Use tools like Windows 10’s Focus Assist, which lets you set intervals for shutting off notifications, reminders, and other types of interruptions so you can focus on your writing.


I know how hard it can be to write again after we’ve had writer’s block. It’s hard to find the motivation to keep writing. But all the tips mentioned above will help you find your mojo and get back on your writing track. If you are feeling discouraged or frustrated with your writing, try to take a break. This will give you time to regain your focus and clear your head. Next up, you may want to explore a guide to the best places to write in.

Rafal Reyzer

Rafal Reyzer

Hey there, welcome to my blog! I'm a full-time entrepreneur building two companies, a digital marketer, and a content creator with 10+ years of experience. I started to provide you with great tools and strategies you can use to become a proficient digital marketer and achieve freedom through online creativity. My site is a one-stop shop for digital marketers, and content enthusiasts who want to be independent, earn more money, and create beautiful things. Explore my journey here, and don't forget to get in touch if you need help with digital marketing.