Is Google Killing the Search Engine Optimization Industry, or Is It Making It Better?

Author: Rafal Reyzer
By: Rafal Reyzer
Updated: Jul 17th, 2024

Is Google Killing the Search Engine Optimization Industry, or Is It Making It Better? - featured image

Search engine optimization plays an important role in almost every aspect of what we do on the internet, from finding simple answers online to undertaking in-depth research.

Google is the most popular search engine in the world, and there is widespread speculation that it is destroying the potential of the search engine optimization industry. Is this speculation right? Or is Google actually making it better for site owners? Let’s talk about it.

Google’s Recent Updates

Google doesn’t shy away from making algorithmic changes, even if they disrupt the major operations of SEO websites. Google’s core algorithm update emphasizes the user experience and the quality of website content. Here are some updates on what they mean for SEOs.

Reputation Concerns

If your website’s content was assisted by a third party, like generative AI, Google will tag your website as void of the owner’s original ideas and flag your content as spam. According to recent updates, this type of content abuses reputation and will be ranked low on SERP. SEO owners who may have written their original thoughts but edited with AI for grammar and coherence are also affected by this update.

Scaled Content

The idea behind the update on scaled content abuse is to reduce the number of unhelpful content. Google claims that this update will increase user experience while reducing the reach of unhelpful content by 40%. Again, the majority of sites that will be axed are those filled with generic AI content. Only some content that meets the demands of user keyword searches or the E-E-A-T rule will witness a reduction in SERP ranking.

Expired Domains

There has been a large misuse of expired domains. These domains are usually used to host low-level content. Google will scan the site and compare its old content with new content. If the domain is irrelevant to the newer content, they will suffer low ranking.

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Whatever you do, don’t rely only on SEO for your digital marketing performance. With the recent volatility in the world of SEO, it’s time to invest in other channels like social media and email marketing as well.

Implications of the Update on the Industry

This update has increased competition and decreased organic reach for some websites that were having an influx of organic traffic. For instance, some website owners contract their content creation task to popular SEO firms, who often use the same type of content for all their clients who are in the same Industry. These types of websites will be marked out for spam and have their organic reach reduced.

Although the effect of the upgrade is witnessed in every sector of Google SEO, it is believed that the upgrade hits some sectors the worst. Suppose your website falls under categories such as food and drinks, body fitness and beauty, and food and retail shopping. In that case, you are likely to experience a shift in keyword and SERP ranking, except your site aligns with the guidelines of updated SEO books. There’s no need to panic if you find yourself in any of these industries. However, you may want to assess the propensity of your site to suffer losses from Google’s algorithm updates.

Google claims not to be against the use of AI-written content, but most of the affected sites had AI-written content. This is because many AI-written content fail to pass the unique user-centric test. They do not sound original and are too generic to be useful to visitors.

female digital marketer sitting on stairs

Do your best to create a multi-channel marketing strategy where SEO is an important, but not exclusive channel contributing to your revenue.

Preparing for future updates

Going forward, website owners may want to focus on originality and usefulness. Although SEO Books provide full details on how to meet update requirements and increase your site’s ranking, you could use some of the following guides.

Use the E-E-A-T technique

This is the fundamental block of any content that will stand the test of time or any ranking updates. The technique stands for experience, expertise, authority, and trust. Making this kind of content requires you to understand what your audience needs and the right information to supply that need. The content will highlight your unique experience, provide proof of research, and inspire trust.

Employ seamless site navigation

Google wants to retain its number one spot as the foremost search engine in the world, and it needs to maintain users to achieve that. To get more revisits, Google is increasing the ranking of websites that prioritize user experience. It is important to optimize your site for site engine rankings, but that should not be at the expense of user interaction and content structure.

Check for SEO suitability

After all is done, you want to make sure that your pages align with fundamental SEO best practices, and a great way to do that is to learn from the best SEO books in the Industry. Alternatively, you may want to conduct SEO audits, but this may be expensive.

Final Thoughts

There’s widespread speculation that Google’s algorithm updates favor only the bigger websites that have the money for sponsored ads. This leaves the smaller sites with only a little to benefit from. While the facts favor the bigger websites, many smaller sites aren’t altogether innocent as they deploy shortcuts such as black-hat SEO practices and keyword stuffing. In 2024, whether Google is killing the SEO industry remains a debate, but to make the most of Google’s updates, acquaint yourself with the user-centric rules and learn the fundamentals from SEO books. Next up, you may want to explore a guide on how to write SEO-friendly content to promote your blog.

Rafal Reyzer

Rafal Reyzer

Hey there, welcome to my blog! I'm a full-time entrepreneur building two companies, a digital marketer, and a content creator with 10+ years of experience. I started to provide you with great tools and strategies you can use to become a proficient digital marketer and achieve freedom through online creativity. My site is a one-stop shop for digital marketers, and content enthusiasts who want to be independent, earn more money, and create beautiful things. Explore my journey here, and don't miss out on my AI Marketing Mastery online course.