Are you struggling to find the time and motivation to write more?
You’re not alone. Many people feel like they should write more, but don’t know how to make it happen. If you’re looking for ideas on how to develop a powerful writing routine, this blog post is for you. You’ll learn all the tactics to increase your daily word count, make each writing session smoother, and help you find the time and motivation to reach your writing goals. So what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!
Why You Should Write More?
Increasing your daily word count and sticking to your writing schedule are keys to a successful writing career. The best writers stay focused, release writing projects regularly, and get paid. Besides, reaching your word count goals gives you that wonderful feeling of accomplishment. But you may have too many thoughts swirling around in your head each time you sit down in your writing space. It can be overwhelming and frustrating, especially when you want to write after a longer break. Writing can be a great way to process these thoughts and feelings and get them out of your head, allowing you to find the next great idea. Writing more can also boost your mood and confidence levels. Not to mention, it keeps your mind sharp by stimulating creativity and problem-solving skills. If you’re not a regular writer, it’s never too late to start. Pick up your favorite writing device and just write the first sentence. See where your thoughts take you. Don’t worry about grammar or punctuation, just get everything out of your head and onto the page. Creating that first draft is so liberating. But once you get going, how do you write more consistently? Well…
How to Write More Words Every Day (Top 10 Stealthy Tactics)
It’s time to develop winning writing habits and polish your writing process. Treat it like a full-time job and something that you’ll need to work on for a few weeks. Don’t rely on the caprices of the muse, waiting for a stroke of inspiration before putting words on paper, a digital notebook, or your computer. Just like starting a workout routine, you might struggle at first, but when you stick with it for at least 3 months, it will become a habit. Use these tactics, even if you need to force yourself at the start, and soon you’ll reap the benefits:
1. Make Time for Writing and Resolve To Show Up
If you want to write more, you need to treat it as a priority and create an unmovable block of time for it in your calendar. Many writers hope that perfect conditions for writing an entire book or story will magically materialize. Guess what? They ain’t gonna. So set aside at least 30 minutes specifically for writing. The more time you put in, the more good writing will come from under your fingertips. Remove distractions like your phone, social media, TV, etc. Switch off your wireless connection, sit in a quiet room, avoid multi-tasking, and focus solely on writing. Or go to a coffee shop and take in the creative atmosphere. You do you, but remember that it all starts with a single word that can ultimately lead to your first book. You’ll be amazed by how this kind of writing time (also referred to as deep work) will make all the difference in the world.
2. Establish a Regular Writing Routine
My suggestion is to wake up nice and early and write first thing before the chaos of the day envelops you. Even if it’s just for twenty minutes to half an hour, it will make a difference. Make it a daily routine until it becomes a habit. You can cross off the days in your calendar to visualize your progress. Don’t break the chain and watch great ideas pour out from your brain like a geyser. Once you get a hold of it, you can extend your creative writing seances. You can spend up to four hours per day on your writing projects. More than that, and you’ll start reaching the burnout zone. Remember that consistency (for example, writing in the same place, and the same number of words) always beats a haphazard moment of inspiration.
3. End Your Writing Session With an Unfinished Sentence
This is a neat psychological trick, popularized by Hemingway. You see, that first sentence, that first page, is the most difficult. That’s why you can spend an inordinate amount of writing time just staring at the blank screen. But if you half-finished your sentence, and then you go to sleep, your subconscious will work on that sentence throughout the night. When you sit down to write the next day, interesting ideas will start flowing almost immediately and your first draft will be finished much faster.
4. Set a Writing Goal and Stick to it
How many words should you write per day? The eternal question, right? Like with everything, it depends. If writing is your day job, you can write up to 10,000 words per day or 50,000 words per week. But this is way too overwhelming. The point is to write something your readers will enjoy. Most writers will agree that it’s better to start with 500 words per day and accomplish your goal than to overshoot and get demotivated.
5. Find Someone Who Will Hold You Accountable
Consider joining or creating a writing group or finding an online friend who also wants to improve their writing habits or work on their writing project. You could feed off each other’s motivation and experience to accomplish your respective writing goals. You could likewise hear each other’s struggles and learn from each other’s triumphs. Besides the numerous writers’ groups on Facebook, you can try signing up with Critique Circle if you are keen on hearing feedback from other writers. You can also try with WritersCafe or any other online community of the same nature. Collaborating with others makes editing your story so much easier and more engaging.
6. Keep Track of Your Progress
By saving and neatly filing your creative writing, you can look back and see how far you’ve come. I’ve seen artists on the internet who kept their drawings since they were young kids and make a progressive comparison of their work as they age and become more experienced. You’ll be surprised to see the progress in the quality of your work as you go by, which will motivate you to improve some more.
7. Take Breaks When You Need Them
Get up and walk around, grab a snack, drink some herbal tea, water, or coffee, or do a little stretching. Do whatever you need to do to re-energize yourself so that you can keep going. My favorite idea is to go on a quick walk in nature, as there’s nothing better that will clear your mind and give you fresh ideas. You can apply clear thought and creativity to your writing much better if you’re comfortable and balanced, with no hunger pangs or stiff muscles bothering you. However, don’t use your breaks as an excuse to stop writing altogether. Always aim to be productive as a writer.
8. Write Now, Edit Later
Know that it’s okay if what you wrote isn’t perfect. The goal, for now, is just to get words on the page. Editing your work later, as it will be easier to polish it when you can read with fresh eyes. It will be harder to spot the flaws if everything is just inside your head. Get in on paper, and then you can go through a couple of revisions.
9. Get a Thesaurus and Other Writing Aids
A thesaurus, whether in digital or printed form, will help you quickly find the word you were thinking of or even something better. If you’re using MS Word in writing your piece, it already has a built-in thesaurus. You can just right-click the word you want to change into another form and it will generate a list of suggestions. There are also a lot of online thesauruses you can access for free.
10. Outwit Writer’s Block With This Old Journalist’s Trick
Instead of insisting that your facts and examples are all lined up before you put pen to paper, which leads to over-researching, try writing from your head first. Get down what you know and what you remember, and drop in the term “research” wherever you get stuck and need more information. These are just some tips to help you get started!
How to Increase the Frequency of Your Writing Sessions:
- Set a specific time for your session and stick to it.
- Keep it brief. Start with 15-20 minutes if needed.
- Use a timer, a writing tracker app, or other types of reminder tools.
- Find an optimal environment that works for you (e.g., quiet, no distractions).
- Write what you need to do the night before so you can jump right into it the next day.
- Get a writing buddy or join a writing group for support and accountability.
- Keep track of your progress (e.g., number of days in a row, words written).
- Reward yourself after each session (e.g., with a treat, or special activity).
- Write in your free time. Have a writing app on your phone and write a couple of sentences each time you have a moment.
- Write at the same time every day.
Writing can be a great way to express yourself, relieve stress, and even boost your brainpower. But if you don’t make it a habit, it’s easy to let other things take precedence. Use these tips to increase the frequency of your writing sessions and make them part of your daily routine. Key Takeaway: Make writing a daily habit by setting a time, keeping it brief, and using a timer.
How to Increase Your Word Count (5 Practical Tips)
1. Start by Brainstorming Topics
Pick topics you are passionate about and knowledgeable about. Stick to your writing niche as much as possible, so to speak. This will make writing much easier and more enjoyable for you, which will lead to higher word counts. If you want to know how to write more, there is no better place to start than coming up with the perfect topic. Without it, you’ll be driving without a sense of direction.
2. Outline Your Main Points
Once you’ve chosen a topic for your next book or article, outline the main points or chapters you want to include. This will help keep your thoughts organized and prevent writer’s block. Writing a piece without an outline is like building a house without a floor plan. It will be harder for you to build a logical structure for your composition. The odds of you straying away from your topic are also high.
3. Practice Freewriting
One great way to increase your word count is by using a journaling method called “freewriting.” Simply start writing without stopping for a set amount of time (usually 10-15 minutes) and do not worry about grammar or sentence structure. Just get all of your thoughts down on paper. After freewriting, you can go back and edit your piece for clarity. This exercise is great for getting words down quickly.
4. Set Periodic Goals
Set a daily or weekly word count goal for yourself and stick to it. This will hold you accountable and help increase your productivity. But remember, it’s not about how many words you write, but about the quality of these words. And yet, meeting your word count goals is hugely valuable for your levels of self-confidence.
5. Take Breaks as Needed
If you get bogged down, step away from your work for a few minutes and clear your head before jumping back in. Even a well-oiled machine had to be turned off from time to time for maintenance and to prevent overheating. By following these tips, you can easily increase your word count and produce high-quality writing simultaneously! Key Takeaway: To increase your word count, brainstorm topics you’re passionate about, outline your main points, and use a journaling method called “freewriting.”
4 Ways to Make Writing Easier
We all know that writing can be a challenging task. Whether you’re struggling to write an essay for school or trying to draft a professional email, it’s tough to get the words flowing. However, there are some ways you can make writing easier and less daunting. Here are four tips:
1. Make a Plan
Before you write, take some time to figure out what you want to say. This will help keep your thoughts organized and prevent you from getting stuck halfway through your piece. There’s a business adage that says, “Failing to plan is like planning to fail”. A plan will keep you in line with what you are setting to accomplish.
2. Set a Goal
Having a specific word count or time limit in mind will help motivate you not only to start writing but also to keep going when things get tough. When you set a goal, you hold yourself accountable for every phase of your project until you finally bring it to completion.
3. Pace Yourself
While you want to finish your writing project the soon time possible, there are other important factors you should consider besides speed. Like the quality of your work and your physical and mental health. That is why I’m stressing the importance of taking breaks from time to time. And while we’re at it, you should never compromise sleep or nourishment in favor of your goal. If you feel overwhelmed or stuck, step away from your work for a while, go for a walk, listen to music, or watch a TV show. Once you come back, you may have new ideas on how to finish up your article.
4. Find Inspiration
Keep inspiring materials around, whether they’re quotes, images, podcasts, etc. So whenever you feel lost motivationally, you can give yourself a creative jumpstart. If there are writers you look up to, strive to emulate them. Let their success stories inspire you to soldier on in attaining your dream of making your mark in the literary world. Key Takeaway: Making a plan, setting a goal, pacing yourself, and drawing inspiration from materials on hand can make writing less daunting.
FAQs on How to Write More
1. How can I learn to write more?
There is no definitive answer to this question since everyone has their unique process and approach to writing. However, here are some general tips that may help you write more:
- Make Writing a Daily Habit: Set aside time each day specifically for writing. Once it becomes part of your routine, it will be easier to keep up the momentum and actually sit down and write consistently.
- Find Your Inspiration: Whether it’s reading other writers’ work or taking nature walks, find things that inspire you and get your creative juices flowing before beginning to write yourself. This way, you’ll have something specific to draw upon when starting rather than staring at a blank page with no idea where to begin.
- Write About Topics You’re Passionate About: It’ll be much easier (and more enjoyable) to write consistently if you’re covering subjects that interest and excite you. By finding topics that ignite your passion, the words will flow much more easily onto the page.
- Get Organized: This goes hand-in-hand with making writing a daily habit. By having a specific place where you write (whether it’s at your desk, in a notebook, or on your computer), and by keeping all of your notes and ideas in one central location, you’ll save time searching for things later on and be able to jump right into the writing process.
- Take Breaks: It’s important to step away from your work now and then to avoid burnout. When you feel yourself losing focus or getting bogged down, take five minutes to walk around or grab a cup of coffee before diving back in.
2. How can I increase my output in terms of word count?
Again, it all depends on one’s method that works. However, some tips we can offer on writing more words may include:
- Setting a daily or weekly goal
- Breaking up your writing into small chunks
- Focusing on quality over quantity
- Keeping a journal to track your progress and keep motivated
3. How can I write more and enjoy the process?
One way to make sure that you are writing regularly is to set aside a specific time each day for writing. It’s helpful to pick a time when you know you will not be interrupted and put everything else away so that you can focus solely on your work. If possible, try to find a quiet space where you can write undisturbed. Another tip is to come up with ideas ahead of time so that when it comes time to write, all you have to do is sit down and start putting those thoughts into words. Jotting down notes or brainstorming before starting your actual piece can help tremendously in getting the creative juices flowing. Also, reading materials related to what you want to discuss beforehand helps get the ball rolling. Seeing other people’s takes on similar topics jump-starts the thought process and gives insight on how best to approach tackling the said issue from your perspective. Try not to get bogged down by perfectionism. It is very easy to become discouraged when your writing does not meet your lofty standards. But remember that the goal is simply to write more. The quality of your work will improve with time and practice; for now, just focus on getting your thoughts down on paper (or screen).
If you’re looking for ways to write more, these tips and tricks will help you get started. By increasing your word count, making writing easier, and finding the time and motivation to write, you’ll be on your way to becoming a better writer. So what are you waiting for? Get started today! If you want to improve your writing skills and become more productive, there are a few things you can do. First, increase the frequency of your writing sessions. Second, set aside enough time for each session so that you can write without rushing. Third, focus on quality over quantity by taking the time to revise and edit your work before submitting it. Finally, keep track of your progress by setting goals and tracking your word count.
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