20 Websites With Christian Writing Jobs (in 2024)

By: Rafal Reyzer
Updated: Jan 23rd, 2024

websites with christian writing jobs - featured image

Christian writing is now, more than ever, a profitable profession.

If you are interested in sharing your faith and experiences that align with a publication’s core values and beliefs, explore this writing niche. Many websites with Christian writing jobs pay for submissions to their website or for columns in their magazines. It’s a competitive field like the secular writing market, but a little less so. There are a host of websites you can pitch your ideas to. We’ve compiled twenty websites that pay well for Christian writing jobs right now. They also give you a platform to express your faith and be a blessing to others. It doesn’t get any better than this.

Here are the best websites with Christian writing jobs:

1. Chicken Soup for the Soul

chicken soup for the soul landing page

Keen to share inspiration and hope through books, Chicken Soup for the Soul publishes a new title each week. They welcome stories and poems that fit with the topics they are currently working on. Although not solely dedicated to Christian writings, it often features such. To know how and what you can submit at any given time, check out their Submission Guidelines.

2. The Christian Century

the christian century landing page

Based in Chicago, Illinois, this magazine accepts poems, blog posts, book reviews, and articles that apply Christian beliefs and traditions. They are keen on publishing faith-centric compositions that address topics such as poverty, human rights, international relations, economic justice, and other issues. If you would like to write for them, I suggest that you thoroughly review their Submission Guidelines.

3. Guideposts

guideposts landing page

This is a non-profit organization that encourages physical, mental, and spiritual wellness through inspirational content. So, if you’re a content creator who aims to give hope and uplift others, you can submit your writings. They mainly accept and pay for first-person narratives, usually 1500 words long. They want stories of inspiration, triumph, and the practice of Christian virtues. For more details, go through their Submission Guidelines.

4. Relevant

relevant magazine landing page

This bi-monthly Christian lifestyle magazine aims to give Bible believers in their 20s and 30s a deeper purpose in their journey through life. Relevantmagazine.com features posts that address current issues, faith, life, culture, and justice. To write for them, read and follow their Submission Guidelines.

5. Sojourners Magazine

sojourners landing page

Sojourners has not only a monthly magazine but publishes online content daily too. If you have a passion for social equality and for addressing the various ills of our society today, you might be what they are looking for. They accept pitches for report pieces, analyses, and commentaries that address social justice issues and appeal to a well-informed audience who are in the faith. In case you’re interested, check out their Submission Guidelines.

6. Today’s Christian Living

today's christian living landing page

To encourage and engage Christians of all ages, this bi-monthly magazine accepts submissions from those who have inspirational stories to tell. They pay as much as $150 for 1200-1800-word articles. They state the types of freelance articles they accept and their other requirements in their Submission Guidelines.

7. War Cry

war cry landing page

If you write about contemporary topics and concerns in ways that inspire people to grow in faith, then this website might have a job for you. They publish well-researched articles that help individuals and families live victoriously within the context of modern life. Payment made upon acceptance is $0.35 per word for first rights and one-time use articles. They also offer $0.15 per word for reprints. You can express your thoughts in fiction, nonfiction, single-strip comics, news, photographs, articles, or reprints. For full details, read their Submission Guidelines.

8. Upwork

Although not a publishing website, you can find a lot of Christian writing job opportunities on this site. Upwork is a well-known job portal that connects employers to talented and capable workers around the world. They post thousands of opportunities for freelance writers in different niches, not just for Christian writing jobs. All you must do after signing up is search, submit a proposal, and wait to see if the potential employer will hire you.

9. Prayer Connect

prayer connect landing page

This is a quarterly magazine that is dedicated to the subject of prayer. They offer two writing opportunities: one for their magazine and the other for their website. You can write theme-related articles, share tips and tools in 500 words or less, or pen practical lessons. The payment rate is determined by the type of article you submit and whether it will be published in print or online. Get more information from their Submission Guidelines.

10. Narramore Christian Foundation

narramore landing page

They publish stories and articles about issues and challenges in our everyday lives and how to apply biblical principles in handling them. They accept articles about dealing with in-depth psychological problems, communication, and family relationships. You can also write about emotional issues such as fear, guilt, shame, and anger, as well as personal stories of coping or overcoming spiritual and emotional hardships. They pay as much as $200 for 1200 to 1700 words articles and $125 for articles less than 1200 words. To know more, check out their Submission Guidelines.

11. Christian Courier

christian courier landing page

Christiancourier.ca is a home for writers and readers committed to challenging and transforming dominant Canadian culture while nurturing a faithful, creative subculture. They are always looking for high-quality submissions or story pitches, from news to features, reviews, art, and poetry. They offer a flat rate for different submissions, irrespective of length, as stated in their Submission Guidelines.

12. Elder’s Digest

elder's digest landing page

Proposing new methods, concepts, and ideas to church leaders is what Elder’s Digest is about. They publish articles that edify, encourage, and educate pastors, missionaries, deacons, church elders, and ministry leaders. The payment scheme depends on the length of articles submitted, but you get as much as $75 for each submission. Other details, such as article length, type & style, preferred topics, and restrictions, can be found in the Submission Guidelines.

13. Creation Illustrated

creation illustrated landing page

Available online and in print, this magazine solely focuses on God’s most wonderful creation – the world we live in. So, if you have original, high-quality pictures, poems, and articles about nature’s beauty and bounty, your submission will be appreciated. You can write about outdoor activities, stunning travel destinations, and inspirational stories that highlight God’s creation. To know what they expect from you as a writer or photographer and how much they pay for your services, check out their Submission Guidelines.

14. Guide Magazine

guide magazine landing page

Targeting young readers between 10 and 14 years old, this magazine tells true stories that carry spiritual elements. The Pacific Press Publishing Organization publishes it weekly and features stories about adventure, personal growth, Christian humor, inspiration, biography, and nature. They also accept quizzes and puzzles. The standard payment rate is 7 to 10 cents per word. For other details, see their Submission Guidelines.

15. Focus on the Family Magazine

focus on the family landing page

Also known as Clubhouse Magazine, Focus on the Family tries to reinforce Christian beliefs and values, especially in kids. So, if you can create content that will entertain and educate children 8-12 years old about Christian values through fiction or nonfiction writings, you are more than welcome to submit your work. They generally pay between 15 to 25 cents per word. They clearly state what they look for and what they don’t need in their Submission Guidelines.

16. Forward

forward landing page

This is an American news media organization that targets the Jewish American audience. They welcome freelance pitches and columnists to contribute to their regular Opinion reports. Pieces that appeal to the American Jewish population, such as photos, videos, illustrations, traditional columns, personal essays, and analyses are considered and may eventually get published. To find out what is required of you, check under Contributing Opinion Columnist and Freelance Pitches in the Submission Guidelines.

17. The Compass Magazine

the compass magazine landing page

This is an online-only magazine that targets Seventh-day Adventist laypeople as its audience. They accept theologically balanced articles between 800 and 1,500 words. They should be written in a general or conversational style and cover topics that are presently relevant. For more info, check the Submission Guidelines.

18. America The Jesuit Review

america the jesuit review landing page

America The Jesuit Review online magazine focuses on thinking Catholics and those who want to know what Catholics are thinking. They accept unsolicited and unpublished pitches for feature-length report pieces that cover religion, social issues, and other hot topics. You can also share opinion essays, short poems, and narratives about personal faith experiences. For more details, go over their Submission Guidelines.

19. Charisma

charisma magazine landing page

Charisma aims to inspire passionate Christians to change their world radically. It publishes special features, editorials, and columns of interest to charismatic and Pentecostal Christians. They do not accept essays, editorials, sermons, book reviews, works of fiction, or poetry, but always look for fresh approaches to articles about Christian holidays such as Christmas and Easter. To know more about how to get your work published on their platform, visit their Submission Guidelines.

20. Christianity Today

christianity today landing page

This is one magazine that provides biblical perspectives on the church and its doctrines. They are interested in well-written profiles, interviews, feature stories, book reviews, and opinion that offer a fresh perspective and features current trends. To learn more about what exactly they are looking for and how you can provide them as a Christian writer, see their submission guidelines.

Final Thoughts

With the Christian writing niche fast becoming lucrative with each passing day, explore these opportunities. These 20 websites with Christian writing jobs to offer can open doors for you as a freelance wordsmith. And unlike other secular writing publishers that take months to reply, most of these respond within weeks. Godspeed on your writing venture. After getting your first gig, you may want to check these sites with writing jobs for teens, so the whole family can start earning.

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Rafal Reyzer

Rafal Reyzer

Hey there, welcome to my blog! I'm a full-time entrepreneur building two companies, a digital marketer, and a content creator with 10+ years of experience. I started RafalReyzer.com to provide you with great tools and strategies you can use to become a proficient digital marketer and achieve freedom through online creativity. My site is a one-stop shop for digital marketers, and content enthusiasts who want to be independent, earn more money, and create beautiful things. Explore my journey here, and don't forget to get in touch if you need help with digital marketing.