Cracking the blogging code? Books might just be your best allies!
Once upon a time, terms like ‘domain registration’ and ‘WordPress setup’ sounded like Greek to me. But with the right educational resources, my blogging journey transformed. Surprisingly, books often pack a punch with insights that surpass many online articles. They’re well-structured, and since there’s an investment involved, you’re more committed to implementing the wisdom. I’ve unearthed a treasure trove of blogging-related books, and I’m spilling the beans on the crème de la crème (each boasting rave Amazon reviews). Dive in, devour, and watch your blogging empire rise. A quick heads-up: Not all picks are strictly blogging-focused. Some gems delve into affiliate marketing, team-building, SEO, and personal branding—because a well-rounded blogger is a successful one. Always remember: Knowledge is potent, but its true magic unfolds when applied!
Here are the best books on blogging:
1. The Essential Habits of Six-Figure Bloggers by Sally Miller
Sometimes it’s hard to see yourself as a pro if your blog is making $3 a month. Successful blogging is about belief more than anything else. If you don’t think it’s possible to make more than $1,000 a month as a blogger, this will be reflected in your actions and ultimately, your results. But imagine reading interviews with 17 bloggers who, just like you, once upon a time didn’t make a dime from online business. But now after 2 years, 3 years, or 6 years, they’re consistently making over $8,000 in revenue each other every month. How’s that for inspiration and for building the belief that it’s possible? This is one of the most inspirational blogging books you ever read.
2. DotCom Secrets by Russel Brunson
If you want to be a successful blogger, you need to learn copywriting and build online marketing funnels. That’s exactly what you will learn from this book. It contains exact scripts you can modify and reuse in your online business, as well as different marketing funnels you can deploy to create more growth opportunities. Brunson’s approach is very easy and his mission in life seems to squeeze the last time out of every single client. But you have to give it to the man – he’s a master of selling stuff online and you can learn a ton by reading this book. You’ll get insider’s secrets on storytelling, personal branding, writing copy that sells, building a value proposition, upselling, down-selling, cross-selling, managing your client base, and much more.
3. Virtual Freedom by Chris Ducker
If you try to do everything on your own, you will only get so far as a blogger. Many entrepreneurs choose to work for themselves exactly because they don’t want to deal with a team of employees. That’s because it’s a major source of headaches and it keeps you grounded in your office. But what if you could organize a virtual network of online assistants, copy and video editors, event planners, ad managers, and web developers? What if you could do it from any place around the world, hiring no one under a strict contract? In this book, Chris Tucker teaches you exactly how to build a virtual team that will enable you to grow your online business exponentially without being confined to a single location. This is a must-read for bloggers who want to scale their operations.
4. E-commerce Evolved by Tanner Larsson
This is by far the best e-commerce book I’ve ever read. If you’re running an online store or have a shop section on your blog, this is something you have to get your hands on. It goes way beyond the typical advice you receive online and gives you advanced e-commerce strategies you can use to maximize your profits. It will give you a solid understanding of why you need to niche down, create a powerful brand, and get traffic from multiple sources. It also gives you a laundry list of one-off e-commerce tricks that will boost your profits immediately.
5. The One Hour Content Plan: The Solopreneur’s Guide to a Year’s Worth of Blog Post Ideas in 60 Minutes and Creating Content That Hooks and Sell by Meera Kothand
Blogging is a process. To be successful, you need to publish and promote fresh content regularly. That’s where most newbie bloggers fall short as they struggle to come up with new ideas and get stuck easily. If you struggle with coming up with fresh ideas for blog posts, this book is going to be perfect for you. The idea behind it is to give you a framework for developing a content plan that will serve as a never-ending source of inspiration for your creative ideas.
6. Work Smarter: 500+ Online Resources Today’s Top Entrepreneurs Use To Increase Productivity and Achieve Their Goals by Nick Loper
If you’re a blogger, you need to stay in the loop and learn about the newest trends and tools you can use to improve your performance. This book is an assortment of over 500 resources you can use as an online entrepreneur. The author of the book interviewed over 800 successful online business owners and asked them about their favorite tools of the trade. “Work Smarter” costs less than your usual Starbucks coffee, but it will give you the tools to work smarter, not harder, and stay ahead of your competition.
7. Affiliate Marketing: Launch a Six Figure Business with Clickbank Products, Affiliate Links, Amazon Affiliate Program, and Internet Marketing by Noah Grey
The vast majority of bloggers earn money in 3 ways. By selling advertising space on their site, by selling digital products, and by promoting other people’s products. This last part is called affiliate marketing and it’s a major source of income for some of the most successful bloggers in the world. A-list bloggers often report earnings of over $50,000 a month just with affiliate marketing. If you want to learn the ins and outs of this trade, read this book. It’s a great introduction to the most popular affiliate marketing networks. It will give you tools and strategies on how to choose your niche, how to acquire new customers, as well as how to choose the right affiliate program for you.
8. Affiliate Marketing: Beginners Guide to Learn Step-by-Step How to Make Money Online Using Affiliate Program Strategies and Earn Passive Income up to $10,000 a Month by Darren H. Russel
Here’s another great title full of valuable information about affiliate marketing. I put two books on this topic on this list because affiliate marketing is the best strategy you can use to earn money with your blog as a beginner. I didn’t know a thing about affiliate marketing and for almost 2 years I was blogging without turning any profit. But as I learned and implemented affiliate marketing strategies, I started generating over $2,000 a month from my blog within 4 or 5 months. If this doesn’t convince you to give it a try then I don’t know what will.
9. Lifestyle Blogging Basics: A How-To for Investing in Yourself, Working With Brands, and Cultivating a Community Around Your Blog by Laura Lynn
This book is a must-read if you’re a lifestyle blogger. When you begin your blogging career, or you’re already 1 or 2 years in the business, you still don’t know almost anything, trust me. That’s why it’s super-valuable to get tips and advice from bloggers who have been around for at least a couple of years. This will help you avoid some of the major mistakes that are going to cost you dearly along the way. In the Lifestyle Blogging Basics, Laura shares her blogging journey, talks about the mistakes she made, and how she overcame them. The book is full of advice on nurturing your audience, working with brands, and finding the best content categories for your site.
10. Starting a Successful Blog when you have NO CLUE! – 7 Steps to WordPress Bliss by G. Gabrielle
This short and sweet book is something that every newbie needs to get their hands on. If you’re still contemplating starting a blog and you don’t have any idea about what the heck you’re doing, this booklet is for you. It’s a great primer for choosing your domain, setting up a WordPress blog, and getting a basic design ready. Just follow the simple steps laid out here, and you’ll have your website running in one or two days. I wish I had a little guide like this when I was starting!
11. ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income, 3rd Edition by Darren Rowse
Even though this book was released in 2012, it’s still a great read for bloggers who want to turn their hobby into a full-blown six-figure business. Darren Rowse is one of the most experienced bloggers in the world and the author of “ProBlogger”, one of the go-to resources for blogging and online income. He made millions of dollars online and in his book, he shows you the exact tactics and strategies you can use to get better results from your blog. You’ll learn how to improve your content marketing strategy, how to choose the right keywords, and how to use essential tools to make money in your niche.
12. 3 Months to No.1: The “No-Nonsense” SEO Playbook for Getting Your Website Found on Google by Will Coombe
If you want to build a profitable and popular blog long term, you need to learn at least the basics of SEO (Search Engine Optimization). This discipline of online marketing may sound esoteric and high-tech, but it isn’t. This book will help you get a grip on the basics and lay out a process you can use to rank higher in Google. Organic traffic is the Holy Grail of blogging as it enables you to attract thousands of visitors a day without paying money for it. Of course, pay for it with your time, blood, sweat, and tears, and this book will teach you how to do it more effectively.
13. The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy
Most bloggers never make any money and never experience any sort of success with their blogs. After a few months of frustration and failures, they simply give up and go look for another shiny object that will make them rich in 2 days. This book will inoculate you against this type of thinking and prove to you that patience and a little daily effort ultimately lead to great success. This is truer in the blogging industry than anywhere else. When you start you can work for months and spend hundreds of hours without seeing any results. In the meantime, your friends, family, and your mind tell you to quit. You’ll need to put in a lot more effort to finally break through. How to persist and succeed against all odds? This book will show you how.
14. Rise of the Youpreneur: The Definitive Guide to Becoming the Go-To Leader in Your Industry and Building a Future-Proof Business by Chris Ducker
This is the second book from Chris Ducker on this list and it’s an essential one. These days, it’s not enough to be great at what you do. You also need to craft a specific personal brand that will reflect your values and attract the right kinds of clients. As a Youpreneur, you will pursue different goals at different times. But one thing that’s transferable across all these domains is your brand. Hone it, master it, and you’ll be able to replicate the success across many industries.
Reading is like exercise for the mind and the level of skill you have as a blogger will be directly correlated with the amount of money you earn. I never look at books as an expense, but as an investment that will pay dividends for many years to come. One idea or strategy can turn your blog around and save you months or even years of hard work. I highly recommend you pick up at least one title from this list and use it the benefit you and the readers of your blog. Develop a regular reading habit to stay on top of your game. Good luck!
Hey there, welcome to my blog! I'm a full-time entrepreneur building two companies, a digital marketer, and a content creator with 10+ years of experience. I started to provide you with great tools and strategies you can use to become a proficient digital marketer and achieve freedom through online creativity. My site is a one-stop shop for digital marketers, and content enthusiasts who want to be independent, earn more money, and create beautiful things. Explore my journey here, and don't forget to get in touch if you need help with digital marketing.