Books stir your imagination and let you explore exotic worlds while you sit in your comfy chair.
If you’re like me, you’re constantly on the lookout for new titles to devour. And where else to turn for inspiration, than to some of the best book blogs out there? Book reviews and literary blogs will gift your eyeballs with extensive lists of amazing works in many genres. Heck, at some point, even I produced a couple of book lists to read and posed some reading challenges. But let’s taste the crème de la crème of the bookish blogosphere with the following list of twenty-five websites. There’s no particular order here. Just check them out and enjoy!
The Best Book Blogs You Should Check Out:
1. A Life in Books
A Life in Books is a small, yet robust blog where aesthetics give way to the power of the written word. The website is maintained by Susan, who worked both as a bookseller and a freelance writer for many years. She’s also a professional reviews editor in two literary magazines and on her blog, she shares some of her favorite titles and hidden literary gems Susan is mostly writing about literary fiction and interesting literary debuts. What I like about her blog is that it’s filled with a passion for literature without being commercial at all. It’s quite a rare sight on the internet these days.
2. Book Riot
The second blog on this list is a much bigger entity with multiple authors, which publishes large volumes of articles on all things bookworms. On the website, you will find reviews of the newest audiobooks, the best romantic books to read in your book club, and the top Instagram accounts to follow for poetic inspiration. It’s quite an eclectic collection saturated with tech and pop culture. You won’t find much highbrow content on Book Riot, but it’s a perfect outlet if you want to find out what’s going on in the book industry and spend a few minutes on an entertaining read.
3. NYC Book Girl
As the name suggests this blog is written by an uncompromising 20-something bookish artist living in New York City. Morgan Hoit has good taste not only in literature but also in graphic and web design. Her corner of the internet is pleasing to the eye. The blog is still young as it was started in June 2017. But now, it attracts a regular bunch of readers thirsty for book lists, book reviews, and music playlists. What I like about Morgan is that she’s very active on social media and likes to interact with her readers. Her blog also reminds me of my good times spent in NYC browsing the books in Strand for hours on end.
4. John Pistelli
John is a writer who doesn’t care about imagery or marketing gimmicks, and you sign up for his email list. He’s a determined minimalist who values good prose above all else. On his blog, you can find long-form book reviews, each of which receives a rating between 1 and 5. He’s also contributing his reviews to the Goodreads website (at this point he wrote over 400 of them). And believe me when I tell you that he knows his words. He’s a literature teacher holding a Ph.D. in English from the University of Minnesota. His literary reviews appear not only on his blog and Goodreads but also in prestigious literary magazines.
5. Confessions of a Literary Addict
Here’s another quirky book blog for you. It offers tons of great book reviews written in a personal, humorous way. It’s also full of anecdotes and some personal blog posts about goal setting and the life of a bookworm. What I like about this one is that it contains a healthy dose of self-deprecation which is somewhat fitting for a hedonistic female bibliophile and cat lover. Even though the blog has a girly feel to it, I can imagine myself conversing with its author about new graphic novels, the Steampunk anime series, and the unsolved secrets of the Game of Thrones.
6. Reads All The Books
Forget about reading only the classics of Western Literature and getting into deep philosophical conversations afterward. This blog is for unapologetic readers who don’t shy away from a trashy romance novel here and there. The name of this web entity says it all – all books are allowed here. What I like about this blog is that it permits you to read a gaudy book from time to time without feeling guilty about it. Here you’ll find anything from children’s literature to alien love books, to biographies of quixotic historical figures.
7. The Writes of Woman
The Writes of Woman is a huge database of literary knowledge updated regularly. It looks like there are hundreds of articles in here and they’re all about the best books of the month, the best books of the year, what happened in the media, and what are the newest digital trends in the publishing industry. What’s interesting about this blog is that it only contains books written by female authors. It deals both with fiction and non-fiction and offers some cool interviews with women writers.
8. The Marginalia
Brain Pickings is a legendary blog maintained with unrelenting consistency for many years. For most of its existence, at least three new articles appeared on the website every single day. On it, you can find amazingly written, literature-inspired articles on different topics including philosophy, history, love, and the meaning of life. The blog is written by Maria Popova, whom I long admired for her uncompromising dedication to the written word, and her ability to share her love for books with others. Her blog not only contains a record of the most original thinkers of all time but amazing illustrations as well.
9. The IndieView
The IndieView is a wonderful little blog that spreads the news about self-published books, as well as works coming from independent and boutique publishers. It’s a great place to visit if you want to find hidden literary gems overlooked by most of the mainstream book reviewers. There’s also a big database of indie writers and reviewers, which is great if you want to connect with other bookish souls. The blog was established in 2010 and it publishes at least one new review every week.
10. Kath Reads
At the top of the blog, you’ll find the quote by Anne Tyler – “I read so I can live more than one life in more than one place.” This seems to be the motivating force empowering Kath Reads, also known as “The Last Reader”. This blog is pleasing to the eye and has all the books, coffee, and cozy blanket types of graphics you would want. It contains not only book reviews but also book lists and new inspiring authors to follow. It’s written by Kathleen, a Manila-born blogger now living in Germany. She seems to be an INFJ just like me.
11. The Book Satchel
This is one of the best places for a bookfiend to roam freely to pick up bits and pieces of the literary world and put them together. It’s written by Resh Susan, a book lover since her childhood years. Her blog has been online since November 2015 and each month you can find around 5 new articles on it. These are mostly book reviews and lists adorned with mesmerizing bookish photography. What I like about this one is that it has a loyal following of readers. Many authors reach out to Resh so she can devour and review their debut novels (which she always does honestly). Overall, it’s a great ecosystem where many elements of the publishing industry come together.
12. Patience Randle
Here is another beautifully designed literary blog, but this time, written from a more personal perspective. It’s more than just book reviews, as it contains information about how to find out or print old book editions, develop new skills, and become a better person not only in the literary domain but also in life. The blog is written by Patience Randle, a creative soul who’s also extremely active on social media. Last time I checked, her bookish Instagram account had over 24000 followers.
13. The New Yorker – Page-Turner
If you haven’t been living under a rock for most of your life you must have heard about the New Yorker magazine. It covers everything from politics to art, cinema, and culture and it’s an absolute delight for anyone with an artistic or literary sensibility. What you may not have known is that the New Yorker also has a huge section devoted to book reviews, literary criticism, fiction, and the writing life. It’s called “page-turner” and it offers high-quality musings that will change the way you think and challenge your dearly espoused beliefs about life and history.
14. The Paris Review
The Paris Review is not a blog per se. It’s more of a literary magazine, which offers some of the most insightful essays that will teach you about culture and the literary arts. This magazine has been around forever and it successfully adapted to the digital age. Now, just like many other popular publications, it depends on subscription fees from readers. But it also has a small online store with beautiful t-shirts you can buy to further your support. It employs a couple of regular columnists who offer a series of essays on a certain theme. I recommend you visit their website regularly to get inspired and remind yourself there’s more to life than taxes, bills, and daily chores.
15. The Amazon Book Review
The Amazon Book Review, formerly known as Omnivoracious is a large book blog managed by four different editors. It’s updated practically every day with at least two new articles. There’s a broad range of topics broached on this website. These include interviews with famous authors, articles about books that created a big splash, and extensive book lists from all sorts of genres – from epic fantasy to self-help books, to children’s literature. What I like most about this one is that its reviews are short and to the point, perfect for digitally overwhelmed readers of today.
16. The Literary Edit
The Literary Edit is a brainchild of Lucy, a native Australian book blogger whose passion lies in devouring monstrous amounts of books, perusing shelves of beautiful bookstores, and gracing literary festivals with her presence. Lucy is a woman who puts emphasis on aesthetics and building her social media following. She loves to travel, and while on the way she’s frequently picking up on the literary traditions of the countries she’s visiting. If you’re into travel, books, and Instagram bookish delights, this is going to be your favorite blog on this list.
17. Vilma Iris
This is another blog that combines beautiful graphics with a love for literature. It’s written by Vilma Iris, who’s a marketing professional by day, and a book unicorn by night. What I like about this blog is that it’s an eclectic collection of different things that all coalesce around the same theme. The categories say it all. On the blog, you can find reviews, upcoming releases, favorite book lists, and best titles to devour in the form of audiobooks, author interviews as well and excerpts. Vilma is always open to collaborations, and active on social media, and I’m sure she would be happy to give your new book a review.
18. The Millions
This book blog has been in existence since 2003, And since its inception, it attracted hordes of readers thirsty for information about books, arts, and culture. It has been featured in the New York Times. The Los Angeles Times, and the Village Voice an indispensable literary sites. It offers some of the most original essays touching on all things related to the bookish life, including a list of 100 must-read novels and musings on the nature of the quotation marks. There are over a dozen writers who regularly contribute content to the site. They are also accepting guest contributions from aspiring authors and book lovers.
19. Reedsy Discovery
Here’s a superbly designed book blog for literary explorers. Reedsy mostly deals with titles produced by independent authors and diamonds in the rough. The reviews are produced by a small army of writers and you can even subscribe to the website to receive notifications about new books you’re supposed to read. The website also offers a way for you to read the first chapter of an indie book and then upvote it if you like it. This is all to help indie writers to get their work discovered. There are over a million self-published books each year without anyone noticing their existence. This blog’s job is to change this.
20. Shelly’s Book Corner
This blog has been around since 2014 and today it’s still active with new book reviews appearing almost every day. It’s written by Shelly, a lifelong reader inspired to read by her mum who would read her bedtime stories. She loves attending literary festivals and meeting new people who love to read. The reviews she writes are succinct and to the point which is perfect for busy readers who want to assess if the book is right for them or not. The reviews you’ll find there are mostly commercial and literary fiction. Keep following Shelly to find out about new releases and honest reviews.
21. Nerdy Book Club
If you’re into children’s literature or books for young adults, this blog is going to be perfect for you. It’s all about recommending works of literary veterans as well as little-known writers who inspire, teach, and stir up the imagination of young readers. To make things more interesting, they even have a Nerdy Book Award, given to the top authors every single year. The site is run by four different book nerds, who all share the same passion for education and literature.
22. A Bookish Baker
This blog’s author is Helen Redfern (the best surname of all time if you ask me). She’s an avid bookstagrammer and writer who loves to share her literary insights. She’s persistently proud of her small chicken farm and she features chickens in many of her posts. Why not? If that’s not enough, she’s also into baking and producing videos for her very own YouTube channel featuring videos about creativity, writing struggles, and productivity tips. It’s a well-rounded online platform where you can find lots of inspiration for your creative endeavors.
23. Bag Full of Books
Bag Full of Books is an amazing work of passion coming from an Indian girl named Arpita. The theme of this blog is traveling from the comfort of your armchair, and living inside of a literary world. The author of the blog is a big fan of Rabindranath Tagore, one of the best Indian writers. This makes me like her even more. If you’re looking for an escape into the world of travel and imagination, you’ll find comfort here.
24. Queen of Contemporary
Last but not least, here’s young writer Lucy Powrie writes a blog. She’s based in England and is releasing a new children’s book this year. Her website is all about creating a reading community, finding new friends, and becoming a nonconformist. Lucy also has an active YouTube channel and is an avid booktuber. You should watch her videos just to admire her adorable British accent.
Now it’s your turn to read
Are you ready to devour all the content of the above blog list? To subscribe to these blogs, you can use a mobile app like Feedly which will notify you every time there’s new content available. This is a convenient way of following bloggers without having to check twenty-something websites separately. I hope you enjoyed the list and you’re ready to get inspired and maybe even start your blog!
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